For twenty four years, Ionithermie’s revolutionary cellulite treatment has been available in Europe ’s best spas. Now available with LaDifference Day Spa, Ionithermie body contouring treatments are unique and extraordinary for the correction of cellulite and improvement of skin and muscle tone, with the added benefit of inch loss. The combination of galvanic and faradic stimuli, thermal clay, essential oils and micronized algae produces an effective treatment that gives immediate proven inch loss.
Packages available and recommended. 20% savings on take home package at time of consultation. Priced with consultation. Prices as low as $165.
IONITHERMIE is a Five in One Corrective Treatment
- reduces the appearance of cellulite
- improves and smoothes skin texture
- slimming-causes inch loss of some 1-8 inches on the very first treatment
- firms and tones muscles, lifting slackening areas and flattening the abdomen
- detoxifies and re-mineralizes the body, raising the bodies energy levels and metabolism